Hi all. The Lord of the Rings. My sister and Stefan have read the books from which this movie was made. I didn't (but I'm catching up as we speak) so this whole story was new to me. What a great movie! Beautiful locations (spared no expenses would the old guy from Jurassic Park probably say ;-) a bunch of well known actors and actresses and the story was rather easy to follow (though it appeared it had a train to catch looking at the speed of the movie).
Well then I hear you think, did I like it much then? Yes and no. The movie part was really okay but the ending was useless. Okay okay, from what I understand there are six books, which for the movie are divided into three stories. Each story is going to be a movie and movies have to end somewhere.
But I would like to suggest that the people from the Lord of the Rings party were to go talking to George Lucas who had about the same 'problem' and did manage to get (well there are two more movies to follow but I think he'll pull it of nicely) the six stories converted into movies that you are able to watch as an individual movie without completely missing the point.
Other than that the movie was okay ... no really ... ;-)