Force of Nature
Monday, May 08, 2006
at : 5/08/2006 07:13:00 am

'Let's get a good night sleep' was my thought when I went to bed last Saturday. I decided not to set a alarm clock for the Sunday but let Nature do it's job and simply wake me up when it was time. I do this quite often and usually wake up somewhere between nine thirty and ten o clock. Not this time however, somehow Nature had decided that is was going to get back all the sleep I missed during the week and didn't wake me up until little over five ... in the afternoon that is. What Nature didn't know (or had simply ignored) is that when I sleep or lay in bed for anything longer than nine ours or so I wake up completely train wrecked. All the muscles in my back are one stiff bunch and I walk around the house like a seventy year old. Another thing Nature didn't account for was the Formula One race I really wanted to watch (specially since I heard it was quite good) and which had started at two pm. So I missed that one completely as well. So I'm thinking not to let Nature be in charge again without a backup plan. Next week I'll let Nature take on my alarm clock again and find out who is the stronger one of the two ;-)

posted by Biek at 5/08/2006 07:13:00 am | Permalink |

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Comments for Force of Nature
Well, I say three times hurray for nature. :-D Let it do on and on that way and eventually you will feel better.
"Listen to your natural needs" is my motto.
That's to say: once you've bought yourself a decent matrass to sleep on so that your back won't hurt so much after so many hours of sleep.
We'll talk about this some other time. Love and a very big hug from your mom, Odiel

I guess you have a good point there mom (like mothers usually do ;-) and this again shows that you can't mess with Nature :-)

Still I think that Nature needs to get just a little more modern and send me an email when it needs my attention. Makes things much easier *grin*

About Uncle Biek

Name: Biek (for friends)
Born: 20/12/1971
Country: Netherlands
Hair: Blond
Size: 6 ft (tall ;-)
Weight: 140 pounds
Blood type: O-Positive

ICQ: 27852020

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