Made it
Saturday, July 30, 2005
at : 7/30/2005 06:09:00 pm

Let's put it this way: I'm at Bas' place, the gear is all set up and I'm instantly feeling about fifteen years older give or take a few years. Bas helped me getting that huge sucker of an 21" monitor from the car, I took the box with all the loose stuff and then he kindly took the computer from the car, probably wondering why it felt like being made from lead or something ;-) Then we both sat down and tried to regain some energy after which the games could begin :-)

posted by Biek at 7/30/2005 06:09:00 pm | Permalink | 0 comments

Mwoah ... euhm ... well ...
Thursday, July 28, 2005
at : 7/28/2005 11:14:00 am

It's slowly going the right direction with my back I think, somehow the 'getting even more coffee a day routine' (and using the short walks for movement) seems to pay off divident. Keeping my fingers crossed I hope for more improvement going into the weekend so I can at least survive the upcoming race weekend ...

posted by Biek at 7/28/2005 11:14:00 am | Permalink | 0 comments

Getting old
Monday, July 25, 2005
at : 7/25/2005 10:17:00 am

Every now and then there are these days when I think I feel like what I think it must feel like when you're about sixty or seventy. Well a bit old(er) than I am now anyway ;-) This morning was one of those days. I think that when I came home from the race weekend last night I rushed just a little to much getting all the stuff inside before the rain and that way asking a bit too much from my back. At least that's what I think it's trying to tell me now ... There is virtually no position in which I can sit, lie or stand so I wouldn't feel my back which is pretty irritating to say the least. Let's hope it passes soon, very soon ...

posted by Biek at 7/25/2005 10:17:00 am | Permalink | 0 comments

It's getting better all the time
Friday, July 22, 2005
at : 7/22/2005 10:07:00 am

Unfortunately I'm not talking about my sim racing skills, nor am I trying to bring back good old memories of the Beatles glory days. Nope, this time I'm simply talking about me. I've not been feeling that well over the past couple of days/week and to my relieve it's getting slightly better day by day. I'm still not ideally feeling inside but q whole lot better than I was in the beginning of this week. It's a comforting thought that we're getting closer to the weekend now because then I'll have the time to take it easy and get some good night sleeps hopefully. Yeah, I'll sort that out with Bas, no worries :-) On the other hand I'm really looking forward to a LAN weekend again, as it feels like ages ago since we had one and we need to practice, practice, practice. November is coming and coming fast and we're not ready. Yet. Okay maybe not ready at all, but we're trying :-)

posted by Biek at 7/22/2005 10:07:00 am | Permalink | 0 comments

Feeling awful
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
at : 7/19/2005 09:33:00 am

Good grief, I'm feeling bad. This is simply no fun. This morning I woke up at a (for a Tuesday) normal time and because then already I had some stomach aches I decided to just stay in bed for a couple of minutes to see if it would go away. Well the ache didn't but I did. Far, far away so to speak. So I woke up again, just seconds before I usually go out to pick up my passenger. I rushed out of bed and when I was just about to leave the house he called to ask where I was. Well, erhm, at home. But ready to leave. And that's what I did but when I was about three streets away from my home my stomach started to act up heavily and I just didn't think I was going to make it all the way to Philips feeling like that. So I called Erik, apologized to him for the late notice, told him to drive over there himself, and head back home. I'll spare you the details on what went on there but quite some time passed before I could get on my way to work again. Still not feeling okay but definitely a bit better than a couple of hours earlier. And here I am now. I'm considering to go home early but on the other hand we're busy enough as it is so as long as I'm able to function normally I will.

posted by Biek at 7/19/2005 09:33:00 am | Permalink | 0 comments

Saturday, July 16, 2005
at : 7/16/2005 03:35:00 pm

Yeah, I'm not loosing it here: cold. As in 'a' cold and as in the fact that I have one. It started yesterday but it's getting to it's full potential now. My throat hurts with every sip of water I try to swallow. Or coffee for that matter but with this warm weather I do drink a lot of water. You'll probably think that it's because of the air-conditioned rooms I work in but I think it's more to do with my situation at home. Because as soon as outside it cools down and get's cooler than inside I open up both the front and balcony door and let the cool air flow through the apartment. And the way my computers are situated at the moment I'm right smack in the middle of that stream of cool air. At those times it's the best seat in the house for as far as I'm concerned, but there is always the danger of getting a cold ... or so they say ;-) Usually I don't get a cold that easy but I guess it was just my turn again and I'm not complaining too much. It's just the throat thing that's feeling less comfortable. The rest only needs some time to get over.

posted by Biek at 7/16/2005 03:35:00 pm | Permalink | 0 comments

Break a leg
Thursday, July 14, 2005
at : 7/14/2005 09:22:00 am

With all this warm weather I'm trying to stay as cool as possible when it comes to clothing. I have these Levi's shoes and they feel surprisingly well without the laces in, so I have been walking on them this way for some time now. In the beginning there was some getting used to the loose fit but now it's even feelings quite comfortable. The only down side is that now I haven't got the shoe tight on my feet, something I all of a sudden realized yesterday evening when I came home. I live in a apartment on the first floor so I have these steps to get up and down from every day and the up part went a bit wrong yesterday. When I stepped up I slipped and smashed down on the stairs, ripping my right leg right open. Blood all over, I felt like being eleven all over again ;-) Lucky for me I never wear any shorts but my leg didn't get much prettier with that action. And now it itches while healing. I shouldn't be scratching, but it's driving me nuts. And they (as in the grownups) say that's a good thing, the itching ... Could be, but still ... ;-)

posted by Biek at 7/14/2005 09:22:00 am | Permalink | 0 comments

I am too
Monday, July 11, 2005
at : 7/11/2005 07:06:00 am

But I'm not felling like the whole nine yards of Biek unfortunately. Last week I have been at home for two days with pretty bad headaches. Saturday was more or less okay, although in the evening I was getting the aches back again. A couple of friendly colored pills tried to do wonders but succeeded only barely. Hey, at least they tried, right? Sunday morning (at around 07.00 for crying out loud) it was a bit better again but during the day it still came back again. Last night I slept a good night sleep and that helped a little but I need more sleep (or something else/stronger) I think. Now that I'm at work it's bearable but not comfortable. I'll see what happens during the day/week but when there are no changes I'm afraid I'll need to be wise and visit the doctor to let him share his thoughts on this issue.

posted by Biek at 7/11/2005 07:06:00 am | Permalink | 0 comments

It's alive!!
Monday, July 04, 2005
at : 7/04/2005 09:44:00 am

Well you couldn't possibly be more surprised than I am but my trusty iPAQ has somehow survived it's bath and still works. I left it in the charger cradle all Sunday and to my surprise when I tried it in the evening it simply turned on, asked me who it was and who I was *grin* After synchronising it was back in it's old state. Simply brilliant.

posted by Biek at 7/04/2005 09:44:00 am | Permalink | 0 comments

Swimming lessons
Friday, July 01, 2005
at : 7/01/2005 07:35:00 pm

As much as I'd like to make a fun post again, like I usually try to do, this one initially had only very little words in it, with loads of exclamation marks and stuff. As I'm supposed to be able to deal with stress and frustration from my work point of view, this time I'm glad I was at home because I could have scared certain people away for good I think. What happened? This: I was doing the dishes after diner and when I took my wok from the sink it just caught the edge of my wallet lying there as well. The wallet looked like going for a swim and while I tried to rescue that leather, paper and plastic holding, wallet of mine from the drowning I accidentally nudged my PDA into the soap and bubbles ... Go on, tell me it's probably well deserved for having both my PDA and wallet on the edge of the sink and for my stupidity but MAN!! I was outraged and frankly very disappointed in my own clumsiness. Of course it's dead as disco now and for the first ten minutes there was still water coming from all holes in the case ... Every now and then I'm asking myself if a certain, quite stupid, action of mine could have been any more stupid ... But this one does it all ... Anyone want to buy a brand-new looking PDA with water cooling ... inside ... D*MN I'm so stupid sometimes!

posted by Biek at 7/01/2005 07:35:00 pm | Permalink | 0 comments